‘How I Met Your Mother’ Fans Will Get a Legit Happy Ending


Ashley Ross @ashbrookeross April 4, 2014

Ron P. Jaffe—Fox Television

Fans of How I Met Your Mother who felt cheated by the series' finale Monday will be glad to hear that the sitcom's creators had a different conclusion in mind -- described as "happy " -- to be included on the show's DVD set

覺得看到追愛總動員最後一集感到失望的粉絲,將會很高興聽到來自該劇的創作者有另一個不同的結局--被描述為快樂-- 的結局將會收錄在該劇的DVD裡。

Fans felt cheated over the finale to How I Met Your Mother when the main character Ted didn’t end up with the beloved Mother but instead with the horrible-wig-wearing Robin. To top it off, the series didn’t just switch the end game of the series but also had the gall to kill the Mother and, in doing so, forced fans to watch the adorable Cristin Miliotti lying in a hospital bed, which no one deserves, especially not those who’ve endured 9 seasons of this show. Talk about a major buzzkill.

看到追劇的最後一集,男主角泰德最後並沒有跟他的真愛母親在一起,反而是跟戴著可怕假髮的羅賓在一起感到失望。話說從頭,雖然該劇並沒有更換本劇一開始的結尾,然而卻殺了母親,並且強迫粉絲看著可愛的Cristin Miliotti躺在病床上,沒有人應該看到這種場景,特別是那些忍耐著看了整整九年的粉絲。這可真說是天打雷劈。


Though a video made its viral rounds earlier this week featuring a much happier ending to the series, it’s since been removed from YouTube. But creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, who stuck to their original plan that was filmed in season 2, also had a different ending in mind. Deadline reports that 20th Century Fox TV wouldn’t comment on specifics but that it was described as “happy” and will be included in the show’s DVD set.

雖然這星期稍早有網友製作了另一個快樂的結局,然而很快地遭到youtube刪除。但是創作者Carter Bays 與 Craig Thomas 仍堅持早在第二季就已經拍攝好的原始結局,並且有另一個不同的結局。在截稿之前20世紀福斯電視台對該言論尚無評論,但是仍說將會有「快樂」的結局收錄在DVD裡。


It could be as simple as fading to black as soon as the two meet under the infamous yellow umbrella but to find out if it’ll be legen—wait for it—dary, we’ll have to do just that.


    Girl Most Likely

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